How Much Sleep Do We Need?

It’s no secret that good sleep provides better function at work and home, along with even better fitness and athletic performance. The National Sleep Foundation released a poll taken in 2015 that clearly indicated quality of life is far better for those who had a good...

Which pillow is best for neck pain?

Harvard Health Publications suggests memory foam neck pillows like the Peacepillow Connect to enable correct sleep posture, avoiding twisting of the spine which reduces circulation to the muscles. Impaired circulation causes fatigue leading to spasm. This manifests as...

Is my work making me fat?

Prolonged inactivity e.g. sitting at a computer is seen as a important factor in metabolic syndrome, where production of the body’s fat burning enzymes slows, contributing to obesity and the development of long term health problems such as heart disease and...

What is an easy way to improve core strength?

Newsflash: Muscles tone up when they are engaged! The more we engage them, the more they tone up. The common image of a gym fanatic pumping iron, with bulging veins and wild eyes is one way, but there are many other ways to strengthen and improve muscle tone. Running,...

How to avoid neck pain during sleep?

Featured below is an interesting article from Harvard Health Publications on how important sleep posture is to the quality of your rest. Poor sleep posture can cause twisting of the spine putting tension on the muscles that surround it. This in turn reduces...

Tips on how to improve sleeping

Being consistent is the key: A regular sleep pattern with a natural sleep-wake-cycle is hugely beneficial if you want to wake up feeling more refreshed restored and energetic. If you need a nap during the day discipline yourself to 30 mins. Waking up the same time...

Is sleep deprivation affecting your waistline?

When you have had a  lack of sleep, you quite often crave sugary foods that give you a fast energy booster. Lack of sleep  can directly link to weight gain and eating too much. The more sleep you lose, the more food your body craves. The two hormones  that regulate...

Dust mite and allergies in NZ

Nanodream pillow covers made in NZ – a natural revolutionary barrier against dust mites. Asthma and allergies in NZ New Zealand has one of the highest asthma and allergy rates in the world One in four New Zealand children have asthma* One in six New Zealanders...


WASHINGTON, DC, ( February 2, 2015)– The National Sleep Foundation (NSF), along with a multi-disciplinary expert panel, issued its new recommendations for appropriate sleep durations. The report recommends wider appropriate sleep ranges for most age groups. The...